Monday, October 30, 2006


I got my first comment today from James McGovern (thanks James!) which I found amazing because a) I didn't realise comments were allowed here and b) I thought this blog was soooo obscure that no one would notice until such time perhaps as Yahoo or Google or News International, etc. buys my site and everyone comes here to find out how it was done! (well I can dream can't I?) I suppose its a tribute to Google - nothing is too obscure for the Engine.

I had a look at James's own blog and saw a link to Medicines San Frontiere which was interesting to find on an ESA thought leadership blog! Anyway, as Mediblog is also an altruistic project I've mailed them to see if they are interested in the project, we could potentially help each other -I'm developing the system anyway and if it can be of use to them I could tweek the design to suit them better maybe...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Getting started (again!)

I did some development last May, and some thereafter in maybe August/Sep when I managed to get eclipse and MyEclipseIDE talking to MySQL via JDBC and indeed, Tomcat 5. Of course I'd forgotten all that so tonight I started again and this time documented it properly in both the "MediBlog Management System" (MS Access!) and using FastHelp. So after er... 5 hours... I now have all that working again AND I know how I did it! Hurrah!

Only one teensy-weensy snagette: I still seem to have two Tomcats: one for Liferay and one for MyEclipseIDE and they don't seem to be linked. At the moment it's not a major problem as ultimately the two applications will sit on seperate servers but shortly (I hope) I will want to run the Medys Portlet in the MediBlog portal. Hey ho, I'll quit while I'm ahead.

Friday, October 27, 2006

...not much change yet

Well, I've been pretty busy the past couple of weeks with SAP TechEd 06 conference, various other day job-related activities, charity-related activities and band-related activities. I also have another beginners guide to Java course next week so not much is likely to happen for a while. However, I've made some progess with the LifeRay Portal which I'll be using for the supporting MediBlog applications. Initially the standard ones and then, increasingly the new ones we write. I'm still a one-man operation although the Medys people have both expressed an interest in doing some more on the project.

Technically: I've added a feedback form to the holding site, just in case someone turns up (no one has) also, have learned more about the portal administration stuff. Other than that, not much change yet.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Starting at the very beginning

..a very good place to start. This is the first blog about the creation of a new site and new venture called

Names have been changed to protect the innocent!