Saturday, June 30, 2007

Can't have too many TLAs & FLAs

For the more recent incarnation of the Medys concept I've always had the vision of collaboration rather than world domination, hence the plan is to build the application and serve up the functionality as SOAP web services to anyone what wants to use them. To make life even easier we'll produce some WSRPs, despite the fact that these are apparently controversial I think its the easiest way to get our services out there. We'll showcase the Medys engine in our own site called MediBlog where we can also consume services from other organisations without confusing the brand. FYI architecture options on the current menu are Linux, MySQL, Stored Procedures, Glassfish, EJBs, JSF, WSRP and Liferay Portal.

While I'm here, I got an invitation to the Liferay/Alfresco conference ( which unfortunately is in LA - a nice opportunity to go there but can't really justify the time or money yet :(

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